Video Face Swap Playground

Transform your videos with AI-powered face swapping technology

Upload Original Video

Click or drag video here

Supports: MP4, AVI, MOV (Max 100MB)

Upload Your Avatar Image


Drop file here or

click to upload

Supports output of up to 5 seconds of video

Face Swap Result Preview

Your face-swapped video will appear here

How it works:

  1. Upload your original video
  2. Upload an avatar image
  3. Click 'Start Face Swapping'
  4. Wait for AI to process your video
  5. Download or share your result!

Swap History

No history items yet.

AI Video Face Swap

Transform your videos with cutting-edge AI technology. Swap faces in motion, create engaging content, and unleash your creativity.

Seamless Motion Tracking

Our AI precisely tracks facial movements, ensuring smooth and natural-looking face swaps throughout the entire video.

Lightning-Fast Processing

Experience rapid video face swapping with our optimized AI algorithms, saving you time and effort.

Privacy Focused

Your videos are processed securely and deleted after swapping, ensuring your content remains private and protected.

How to Use Video Face Swap

Transform your videos in just a few simple steps

1. Upload Your Video

Select the video you want to modify. We support various formats including MP4, AVI, and MOV.

2. Choose Face to Swap

Upload a clear, front-facing photo of the face you want to swap into the video.

3. Let AI Work Its Magic

Our advanced AI processes your video, swapping faces frame by frame with incredible accuracy.

4. Download Your New Video

Once processing is complete, download your face-swapped video and share your creation!

Powerful Video Face Swap Features

Discover the advanced capabilities of our AI-powered video face swap technology

High-Quality Video Processing

Maintain video quality with our advanced AI, ensuring crisp and clear results.

Fast Processing Speed

Experience quick turnaround times, even for longer videos.

Realistic Face Swapping

Achieve natural-looking results with our state-of-the-art AI technology.

Secure Processing

Your videos are processed securely and deleted after 2 days.

Video Face Swap Use Cases

Discover how AI video face swap technology can revolutionize various industries

Film Production

Seamlessly replace actors in scenes, create convincing stunt doubles, or bring historical figures to life in documentaries.

Content Creation

Enhance YouTube videos, create viral social media content, or produce engaging reaction videos with face swaps.

Corporate Videos

Customize training videos for different regions, create multilingual presentations, or update outdated corporate videos.

TV Production

Create alternate versions of shows, add celebrity cameos, or fix continuity errors in post-production.

Educational Content

Bring historical figures to life in educational videos, create engaging language learning content, or personalize e-learning experiences.

Marketing Campaigns

Create personalized video ads, test different spokespersons for commercials, or produce localized versions of global campaigns.

Why Choose Our Video Face Swap?

Discover the advantages that set our AI video face swap technology apart

Superior Quality

Our advanced AI ensures the highest quality face swaps, maintaining natural expressions and movements.

Fast Processing

Experience rapid video processing times, allowing you to create content quickly and efficiently.

Privacy Focused

Your videos are processed securely and automatically deleted after 2 days, ensuring your content remains private.

Customizable Options

Fine-tune your face swaps with adjustable settings to achieve the perfect result for your needs.

User-Friendly Interface

Our intuitive platform makes it easy for anyone to create professional-looking face swap videos.

Excellent Support

Our dedicated support team is always ready to assist you with any questions or issues.

Frequently Asked Questions